Erasmus + is the EU's program to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. With a budget of € 14.7 billion, it will enable more than 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain experience and offer volunteer work abroad. Erasmus +, which will run until 2020, offers opportunities not only to students but to a wide range of individuals and organizations as a result of the integration of seven previous programs.

Detailed information on these capabilities, including the eligibility criteria, is contained in the Erasmus + Guide. An indicative funding guide for some centralized activities is also available.


The objective of Erasmus + is to contribute to the Europe 2020 strategy for growth, employment, social equity and inclusion, as well as the objectives of the EC2020, the EU strategic framework for education and training. Erasmus + also aims to promote the sustainable development of its partners in higher education and to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the EU Youth Strategy.

The program focuses on the following:

  • Reduce unemployment, especially among young people
  • Promote adult education, in particular new skills and skills required by the labor market
  • Encouraging young people to participate in European democracy
  • Supporting innovation, cooperation and reform
  • Reducing early school leaving
  • Promoting cooperation and mobility with EU partner countries


Erasmus + results are available in reports, statistical collections and the Erasmus + project platform, which includes most of the initiatives funded by the program, as well as a selection of good practices and successful examples.

Statistical data

Erasmus + statistics are available on the statistics page. The Education and Training Monitoring Report contains data on progress towards meeting the "EC2020" benchmarks. The progress made towards achieving the "EC2020" benchmarks is also reflected in a series of interactive maps.

Similarly, information on the situation of young people in Europe is available on the Youth Monitor website.


The Erasmus + program is the subject of an interim review to be completed in 2017 and an impact assessment to be published after the program is completed in 2020.
After the completion of the Erasmus program, an impact assessment was published in 2014 which highlights the results of the program

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